so ~ i'll be the first to admit i'm fickle, i'm flakey and a few other not so great things ;) i get po'd and my feelings get hurt too easy ~ i react without thinking. i like having giveaways. so let's go back to business as usual. my future giveaways may be more like this though, kind of like a quick page (there's lots of times i can think of something to make but the thought of a whole kit to go with it is too much) but it will all be in separate pieces so you can use it together or in other things =) enjoy!!
my valentine
yeah, i've been slacking on the photo a day ~ i'm giving it up :( seriously, i'm boring and i don't need to be reminded of that every day, lol. i really think it is making me hate the thought of photography :0 'cause some days i really don't feel like doing it.
very, very pretty thank you!
Oh glad to see you back and sharing. This is lovely...what a gorgeous shade of pink..thank you soooo much.
Hugs, Dee
What an adorable mini kit!! Thank you so much!! Yes, while I usually take photos of Shadow almost everyday, I have still not jumped into the 365 because once you have to do something every day it seems to take away the fun of it!!! Thanks again! BettyJoR
Hurrah!!! I'm so glad you reconsidered. I'm also glad you left it in layers as I like to do rectangle, and it's really nice to be able to move things around. What a great gift. I love your designs. Thank you so much Krista.
Thanks for the freebie! :)
Hurray for being fickle! The QP is SO cute- I especially love the heart brush/stamp behind the frame, it is So pretty. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 10 Feb [LA 07:00pm, NY 10:00pm] - 11 Feb [UK 03:00am, OZ 02:00pm] ).
So delicately beautiful! Thank so much. I also enjoyed your 365 project but agree with you on how tedious it can become to keep up with that! I have failed there too.
Krista, you just crack me up! I'll be driving through your state on Saturday and I think I may have to stop and meet you! You are so much like me that it's not funny..then again, maybe it is!
Don't let some fruitcake rain on your parade. Thanks so much for this wonderful mini kit, I love it!
oh i'm so glad you're feeling a little creative! i was worried about you being in a funk after that unpleasantness. this is just perfect for a love-inspired LO. gorgeous, as usual!
:) M
Thanks for the cute freebie! You already have me beat - I didn't even try to do the 365 thing. I can't imagine what I would do with all THOSE extra photos!
Thank you so much for this delightful page. Ace. I have so enjoyed following your blog this year, but can so relate to you right now, as my everyday life too is very uneventful. I have tried to meet P 365 half-way by taking photos on just the occasional day each week, but still struggle.
Thanks very much for the lovely mini kit! Wonderful pieces! :)
I can't commit to taking photos everyday either, Krista. It seems like a chore then. As far as boring lives, I can certainly identify with that. However, sometimes boring sounds pretty good. I loved the picture of your bed and your note about it. I love the comfort of my bed. It reminded me of how happy I was when my husband & I bought our house - just the one I wanted. Thanks for bringing back that happy memory for me. :)
Lovely. Thanks so much:)
Thank you Krista for the cute QP! I thought I'd start taking pictures daily to jump on the band wagon but it simply hasn't occured for me either. I can relate to what your feeling. You are still truly inspirational in your pictures and designs. Thank you again!
Thank you so much for sharing! Your work is awesome!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Valentines post on Feb. 11, 2009. Thanks again.
Thank you for sharing! I have always enjoyed your creations.
Thank you so much for the sweet and lovely mini kit. It is gorgeous. I've enjoyed the pictures you've come up, but I've not been able to take a picture a day. I've tried, but I've mostly been REALLY boring. But I still think it's a fun goal. I enjoyed seeing your pretty bed and how you managed to combine two loves to get the look you wanted. Thanks, as always.
This is very pretty. Thanks for leaving it in layers. Makes it nice if we need to change it up a bit. Glad to see your back giving some gifts. I've been loving your 365 photos. Sorry to hear your giving it up.
Thanks for the pretty QP. I love your designs.
This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us. I can't wait to use it!
What a beautiful freebie! Thanks so much for sharing your time and talent :)
I also think that your photos are fantastic!
Can you tell me the name of the last freebie you gave away before this one?
I know I missed it and I wanted to go and see if it is in your store.
Thank you,
Thank you. This valentine kit is gorgeous. You certainly have not
lost you touch!!
This is beautiful, and I love the color! I get in a funk at this time of the year too. Winter grates on all of us. Spring is coming soon - it has to!! I hope you are doing better today. Thank you for this lovely Valentine gift!
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