i'm in the process of uploading this kit to the shop

i think blog designers are the only people using my designs these days ~ and i am thankful for that. every day i look at all the new designs out there and i just can't wrap my head around the popular style :( they are gorgeous that's for sure and there are so many uber talented ladies out there. first of all i'm not an artist ~ can't draw, can't paint. and i just can't get away from multi colored patterned papers, kills me to see the majority of kits only have solid papers these days. i don't know why i'm telling ya'll this ~ i guess because designing has become a huge struggle for me and it eats at me every day i just need to vent ~ if i'm not working on something it's in my head that i should be. i think being creative and having to be creative are 2 totally different things, so if you ever feel creative don't make it a thing you have to do.
Krista I love your patterned papers- they are always so beautiful. I am always wondering how you come up with them. I know that as a designer it can be difficult when it feels like people aren't appreciating what you are doing, but I think you are right that you've got to create for yourself and that is how you will be happy. And if other people like your stuff- it's a bonus :)
I, for one, love your style and wouldn't want you to change it! Your patterned papers are so awesome! Suz, above, is right...create for yourself. I think you have a much bigger following than you think you do! Keep up the awesome work!
Krista, I love your work. A lot of us that have programs can create solids and basic patterns. You have a great eye for patterns and colors. Don't change a thing!
Hi Krista - I love your patterned papers! I think the 'doodled' and hand-drawn product is nice, but most of them are not anything I would ever buy. I like classic more than cute. I work with fabric and I love papers that look like quilting fabric. And I like paper with no crinkles or bends. I love your new kit!
I LOVE this new kit! Beautiful in every way! Keep it up. You're amazing!
<3, Krista J. :)
Keep designing the way you do! I love your patterned papers, and I prefer using them over solid for most layouts. I don't buy kits that only have solid papers. They are practically useless to me. WIth your kits, I can usually use several patterned papers, and they match perfectly!
i have to say... yours is some of my favorites... I havent done this in over a year.. till yesterday and I came back to check on your stuff.. beautiful as usual.. im hoping you keep doing this...april
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